Thursday, October 1, 2020

A clown at the presidential debate

Last night spectacle was tiring and demoralizing. Looking at two guys in the their mid-seventies as they were jousting for the top national job wasn’t a breath of fresh air to start with, but when Trump started behaving like a demented human being and Chris Wallace, the moderator, seemed incapable of reining him in, the debate took a disastrous turn. 

Biden held up well, exceeded my expectations (the bar was low to start with) and sounded brilliant when he said that Trump was a liar and a clown. What is strange is that most of the press and pundits missed Trump’s facial and body language which were very telling and showing that he wasn’t happy as he was unable to destabilize his opponent. 

When all was said and done, I gave Biden a 6 out of 10 and only 3 for Trump. I just wondered what some Supreme Court Justices like Roberts and Gorsuch were thinking in watching the painful display of attacks, interruptions and lies by Trump, and their foreseeable involvement in arbitrating the upcoming court battle that will an election certain to be contested by our National Clown. 

As for me, I thought that one such debate was so painful to watch that the Presidential Debate Commission should cancel the two other events as Trump has clearly shown that he can’t behave himself.

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