Thursday, October 29, 2020

Would Jesus support Trump?

...Certainly not. Jesus was not a fan of lying, of insults, sectarianism, racism, egoism and hypocrisy. 

I also think that the Catholic Church was essentially based on the teaching of Jesus, yet in this election year, as Donald Trump is losing ground, every vote counts and he is relying a lot on American Catholics to make up for his expected losses.

Catholics for Trump is one organization that has the mission of giving Catholics some seemingly good excuses for re-electing Trump by “sharing the many successes of the Trump administration” including of course anti-abortion issues. 

Yet, by aligning themselves with a president who tears apart immigrant families, denies climate change, stokes racial division and supports economic policies that hurt the poor, Catholic leaders are forgetting what the teachings of Christ are all about. 

There’s hardly nothing “pro-life” out of Trump's agenda. I wonder what my good buddy Pope Francis thinks of these clowns?

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