Friday, October 23, 2020

My obsession with year-round skiing

When I was a teenager, skiing soon became my major obsession. 

After I began working as a liftie during the winter school holidays, I quickly couldn’t console myself when the season came to an end, so my focus turned towards places that conserved enough snow much longer in the spring time and well into summer. 

I payed increased attention to lingering skiable slopes, to topographic maps detailing glaciers or permanent snowfields, first in my Alpine region and very soon, through detailed atlases, the world over. 

At the same time, I created in my fertile mind an imaginary world, in which, through a combination of high altitude and colder climate, one could ski all year round, without having to worry about total snow-melt and long counter-seasonal skiing hiatus. 

I remember that big piece of rock, behind the family restaurant that was deeply textured, recreating peaks and valleys, with some lichen that I translated into forested areas, and where I could create my ideal ski resorts where the snow never melt and skiing never stopped. 

I was hooked...

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