Sunday, October 25, 2020

Turning back the clock

Seventy-five percent of Americans would like to end Daylight Saving Time, but keep the summer time year-round so that the sun sets later in fall and winter. 

 I think it’s the same in the rest of the world where there’s such a seasonal adjustment twice a year. What we’ve done today though is cool. 

Yet, today, we just did something really cool by turning our clocks backward. Not by much, just one hour, but its a start. Why don’t we do it for one year or perhaps on decade worth, just to see what happens? Several decades would in fact be much better. 

We would recover our lost strength, our hair would turn black, blond or red again, and this would give us a new, wonderful outlook on life as we’re ready to start again.

I only hope we’d get to keep all the experience and good judgment we piled up a we were getting old!

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