Sunday, October 4, 2020

Electoral signs in Park City

Just like for the rest of America, every Fall, we see a number of yard signs adorning the front of houses all over Park City. 

This year, some are for local politicians and those are generally distributed free of charge by the candidates running for office, while the presidential ones have to be purchased for around $30 to $40 a piece, which explain why we see less of them.

What is interesting though, is that within Park City, I have yet to see at least one single “Trump” sign. The only signs I have seen are for Biden. 

Yet, while the majority of the electorate will vote for the democratic candidate in our community, there’s a number of Trump supporters. 

Are these kind of ashamed of their choice, since no one has the audacity to display a Trump sign in their yard? I don’t know what you think about that, but that tells me a lot about these f

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