Friday, October 30, 2020

A disturbing PowerPoint message

French folks love to send messages in the form of PowerPoint presentations. 

I just got one recently that was explaining how a low birthrate in the western world in general, and in France in particular, was endangering the future of its native population and creating a vacuum for immigration and particularly of Muslim persuasion or specific ethnic groups like Latinx into the United States, for example. 

This massive immigration would subsequently destroy local cultures as we know them. Let me make to points about this message. First, our planet is overpopulated, instead of 7,8 billion people, most scientists agree that we should only be at 2 billion, top, in order to live in a sustainable manner. 

Far too many people are causing global warming, a huge danger for food or water shortages, and are an assault of the planet’s biodiversity and overall proper functionality. Trying to increase the birth rate in developed nation is doomed in advance, as no educated young person living in a developed country and in their right mind, want a big family. 

Couples generally settle on one, perhaps two or none at all. Raising kids is awfully expensive and takes lots of time, no less than a quarter of a century per child. We just need to get used to it and white folks won’t replace themselves. Overpopulation will continue elsewhere, fueled in part by a need for capitalistic growth and religious forces that are fighting for influence. 

This means that immigration is the next point that need to be addressed. Viewed from space, earth shows no border, just land and water. Borders were invented by men to protect their respective territories. Now, to enter a developed enclave, migrants should ideally be needed (with specific education, skills and talents) and be productive. 

Since they’re given the privilege to enjoy safety, good infrastructure and a more prosperous life, they participate in paying for it when they enter or in a manner spread over their foreseeable lifetime. Just like a motorist pays a toll to use a nice, fast and safe highway. 

Short of that, there should be no immigration. Migrating for family reasons could be the exception, not the rule, and at a cost that would be much higher than for self-sustaining migrants. 

Finally, each community should be entitled to maintain and protect its native customs and might choose stringent rules that make it impractical for migrants with a need to keep and maintain their own customs to join that country. 

Pretty simple. If this approach interests you and wish to know more about it, I’ll be delighted to give more details.

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