Thursday, October 15, 2020

We just voted!

On Tuesday and seemingly ahead of schedule, we received our mail-in ballots. 

Yesterday, we looked them up, did some research where we still had to, made our choices calmly and wisely, then dropped everything in the ballot drop-box at City Hall. 

Among others, we had to choose a president, we thought a drastic change was in order in that department, and picked a new House Representative. 

In addition, we had to select a new Utah State Governor plus a bunch of other political candidates at the State and County levels, voted on judges whose terms had expired and on a bunch of State Constitution amendments. 

Basically, we simply punished any candidate belonging to the Party that has been an enabler to Emperor Trump. 

That process might sound like a chore, but the whole thing was pleasant and was done in no more than ten minutes. 

God, we’re glad it’s over and can’t wait for November 3rd to watch the sparks fly from all over!

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