Sunday, January 22, 2023

Can we boost our brain power?

While we’re talking about the brain, let’s continue (see yesterday’s blog)… 

The next logical question is, can we exercise our brain to work harder and produce more, or is it already working overtime for us that there’s no room for improvement? Some people disagree and believe there is, in fact, a way to increase its power, which is exactly what I hope... 

Sure, it’s hard to believe, yet alone think, that we can train our brain to do more, but with “neuroplasticity”, the theory that claims that our brains have the ability to change, we can train them to do more and better. 

There are – according to some experts - seven simple methods to boost our brain capacity and improve intelligence. 

  • Meditation is one of them, I’m sold on it, having been a practitioner for more than three years. 
  • Exercising physically is another one and I’m fortunate to have it part of my lifetime habits. 
  • Writing, is a good method of telling the memory what's important, clarifying our thoughts, and helping us remember things more easily in the future while exercising our analytical ability and creativity. 
  • Listening to some Mozart. This may sound strange, but a study at University of California, scientists discovered that kids who sang daily in chorus and studied piano, were a lot better at solving puzzles, and scored 80 percent better in spatial intelligence than a non-musical group. I should do it! 
  • Laughing releases endorphins that reduce stress levels. I should do more of it! 
  • Eating healthy is said to have a massive impact on our brain function. Feed it right and it’ll work better! 
  • Finally, sleeping is like a mini-detoxification for our brain. I do it regularly every night and it’s another one of my lifetime habits. 

So, if I were to fully adopt and maintain these seven habits, why in the world would I need more brain power?

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