Sunday, January 29, 2023

Finally, time to be grateful!

Until recently, I never thought about gratefulness in general and was placing the good experiences of my life on the account of luck, like the chance resulting from certain encounters or just being in a good spot at the right time.

Yet, gratefulness wasn’t not necessarily on my daily radar and this is something I tend to regret today because I missed that opportunity for too long. 

Now that I’m with my two feet well planted in the midst of old age, it finally dawns on me that being grateful at each and every moment of my life is something that must become part of me like the simple act of breathing. 

That’s exactly right, from that point forward, I’m bathing in a sea of gratefulness and this is becoming the backdrop of my remaining years, no matter what happens to me and how my future turns out. Grateful I feel and I hope I shall remain!

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