Sunday, January 15, 2023

Switching to qualitative skiing

Not so long ago I announced that my skiing would evolve from a quantitative focus into a qualitative one. I’m now ready to turn on the switch, but I want to explain what it’s all about. 

Since I’m no longer a young buck, I think it time to think in accordance with my age and keep up, if not with its growing number, but the growing limitations it might soon impose on me. 

It’s also more than timely to worry about my safety and that of others as well as my longevity. I don’t wish to die on skis, even though many might say “I wish I could die doing something I love, like skiing!” 

This means taking my foot of the gas pedal, avoiding collisions and abstaining from skiing under bad conditions (poor visibility, terrible snow, dense trees). 

The next objective, obviously is to remain-super efficient and why not, chase even more efficacy while I ski to make up with my dwindling force and my diminishing VO2 max. With this quest for efficiency comes a bonus, and it’s grace or good form on ski. 

The less we do with anything that has nothing to do with a skier’s legs, the better the overall impression, even though I’m no longer worried about skiing for the gallery. 

Since I ski a lot alone, too much perhaps, I’ll also try to be more social, less of curmudgeon and invite my good neighbors to ski with me and share my wisdom on snow. 

Finally, when I ski by myself, I’m not going to take the easy way out. Instead, I’ll continue to seek difficulty in everything lines I take and I will endeavor to complete all of my runs non-stop.

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