Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My macroeconomics views

I always try to oversimplify things because I find that it always help me catch the “30,000 feet view” or better yet, the “out-of-space vista” and by doing so, bring everything into understandable perspective. Today's high view is about world economics and a reflection on the fact that after centuries of colonialism and neocolonialism, pilfering the planet's natural resources, exploiting human labor and destroying the earth environment, we're running out of options with each one of these various sources of wealth and while the developed nation enjoyed a huge feast during the second part of the 20th century, the party is now getting to a close. We'll now have to getting used to tightening our collective belt. So whenever I hear economists or “smart” individuals hoping for a recovery that will reset everything back to 2007, I kind of smile and think: Fools!

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